Ljubljana, Monday 16.9. 2019
Faculty of Government and European Studies, New University
Mestni trg 23, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Research Group of the Faculty of Government and European Studies, New University, and the Re-forma d.o.o. organized an international conference dedicated to the empirical study of ideological profiles of judges. The conference took place within a framework of the research project on The Ideology on Courts, whereby the research group has been conducting an empirical research in the multidimensional ideology of the Slovenian constitutional court.
The conference was held on Monday 16.9. 2019 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and consisted of two invited keynote lectures and four panels, in which the selected scholars presented their work in progress.
Sunday, 15.9. 2019, Arrival of Participants
Monday, 16.9. 2019, CONFERENCE
9:00 Welcome and Introduction to the Conference
(Gorazd Justinek, dean; Matej Avbelj, project leader).
9:15 Keynote 1: prof. Arthur Dyevre (KU Leuven)
prof. dr. Matej Avbelj (Chair)
10:15 Panel 1: Judicial Ideology in Comparative Theoretical Perspective
Pietro Faraguna, Roots and justification of the ideology’s taboo on the Italian Constitutional Court
Tamara Ćapeta, Rule of law and ideology of a judge
Konrad Lachmayer, The authority of the Austrian Constitutional Court
Matyas Bencze, Judicial ideologies in an illiberal democracy
Alun Gibbs (Chair and Discussant)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Keynote 2: prof. Chris Hanretty (Royal Holloway University of London)
doc. dr. Katarina Vatovec (Chair)
14:30 Panel 2: Judicial Ideology in Comparative Empirical Perspective Part 1
Janez Šušteršič, Voting patterns in constitutional court: backgrounds, collegiality and ideology
Tamas Gyorfi, HunConCourt – an empirical analysis of the jurisprudence of the Hungarian Constitutional Court
Pocza Kalman, Attitudinal model applied to the judges of the Hungarian Constitutional Court. A refined analysis of judicial behavior from 1990 to 2018
Robert Zbiral (Chair and Discussant)
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Panel 3: Judicial Ideology in Comparative Empirical Perspective Part 2
Krisztina Blazkova: Justice, expediency and legal certainty: the effect of judicial philosphy on adjudication
Monika Glavina: Referral and Referral-Free Behaviour of National Judges: What Motivates the Use of EU Law Inside and Outside of the Preliminary Ruling Procedure?
Jernej Letnar Černič (Chair and Discussant)
19:00 Dinner
Tuesday 17.9. 2019, Departure of Participants